New Agri India

An Initiative to provide Agricultural knowledge…here you will learn about various types of crops cultivation, crops management, livestock farming, agriculture news & updates and we also cover information about the technologies which are being used in the world to increase the agricultural sector productivity.

We are dedicated to provide helpful information to the people who are connected with agriculture sector and as well as to agriculture students.

New Agri India

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Marking of animals “Putting mark or number for identification on the particular parts of animals body is known as marking of …

What is soil air? “The air, which is found in the spaces (empty pores) between the soil particles, is called soil …

What is Hay? 1)Hay is a green dry, leafy, clean, soft, good smelling, digestible and nutritious fodder with water content of …

Conservation of green fodder In the animal husbandry business, if the breeding, feeding and management of animals will be done with …

Concept of terms ‘Manure’ and ‘Fertilizer’ The substances that provide essential nutrients for plants growth in the soil are called manures …

Wheat cultivation: an overview Wheat cultivation is being practiced in the world since very ancient times. Therefore, it is not possible …

Pm Kisan Samman Nidhi eKYC The 10th installment of PM Kisan Samman Nidhi scheme is about to deposit in the account …