
Mulching in agriculture involves covering the soil with various materials, such as organic matter (straw, leaves) or inorganic substances (plastic, gravel), to …

Mycorrhizae are like a secret weapon for your crops. These underground partners boast a network of fungal threads that act like tiny …

The rice stem borer (Scirpophaga spp.) poses a significant threat to global rice production. This lepidopteran insect, in its larval stage, burrows …

Rice is one of the world’s major food crops. Rice is the staple food of more than half of the world’s population, …

Wheat is one of the major food crop. Therefore, in order to get a high yield of wheat, it becomes necessary that …

What is essential nutrients for plants growth Essential nutrients for plants are those elements without which the plant can not grow and …

Generally, 90-95% parts of all plants are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and the remaining 5-10% is made up of …

What is soil erosion ? All the soils suitable and non-suitable for cultivation are destroyed by natural and artificial methods. 1)The accumulation …

What is soil temperature? Soil temperature is an important factor in plant growth and control of chemical and biological activities of soil. …

What is tillage or soil tillage? 1) “Tillage or soil tillage is the method of preparing the land for growing crops, by …