New Agri India

An Initiative to provide Agricultural knowledge…here you will learn about various types of crops cultivation, crops management, livestock farming, agriculture news & updates and we also cover information about the technologies which are being used in the world to increase the agricultural sector productivity.

We are dedicated to provide helpful information to the people who are connected with agriculture sector and as well as to agriculture students.

New Agri India

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What is essential nutrients for plants growth Essential nutrients for plants are those elements without which the plant can not grow …

Generally, 90-95% parts of all plants are made up of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen and the remaining 5-10% is made up …

What is soil erosion ? All the soils suitable and non-suitable for cultivation are destroyed by natural and artificial methods. 1)The …

What is soil temperature? Soil temperature is an important factor in plant growth and control of chemical and biological activities of …

The government provides subsidy on various agricultural machinery to the farmers. In this sequence, now the government has decided to subsidize …

What is tillage or soil tillage? 1) “Tillage or soil tillage is the method of preparing the land for growing crops, …

There are many types of diseases that occur in potato crops. Sometimes the attack of some potato diseases is very severe, …

What is crop rotation ? 1)The sowing of crops on any part or area of ​​the soil, in a given time, …

Cropping Scheme definition 1.Such a scheme according to which crops are grown in different plots of a farm to get maximum …

In this article, we will learn about the nutrient content found in the different manures and chemical fertilizers. The percentage content …

An introduction to papaya farming Nowadays, In most parts of the country, the area of papaya farming is increasing continuously from …

“The method of making all kinds of animals hornless is called Dehorning of cattle”. Benefits of dehorning of cattle 1) There …