An introduction to papaya farming Nowadays, In most parts of the country, the area of papaya farming is increasing continuously from the …
“The method of making all kinds of animals hornless is called Dehorning of cattle”. Benefits of dehorning of cattle 1) There are …
Marking of animals “Putting mark or number for identification on the particular parts of animals body is known as marking of animals”. …
What is soil air? “The air, which is found in the spaces (empty pores) between the soil particles, is called soil air”. …
What is Hay? 1)Hay is a green dry, leafy, clean, soft, good smelling, digestible and nutritious fodder with water content of less …
Conservation of green fodder In the animal husbandry business, if the breeding, feeding and management of animals will be done with scientific …
Concept of terms ‘Manure’ and ‘Fertilizer’ The substances that provide essential nutrients for plants growth in the soil are called manures and …
Wheat cultivation: an overview Wheat cultivation is being practiced in the world since very ancient times. Therefore, it is not possible to …